title              | Top | Japanese |

  Journal of the Musicological Society of Japan, Vol. XLVII (1) (2001)

     CONTENTS       | Japanese |

OZAWA Yuko 1 The Rondo Finales of Mozart's Piano Concertos: Their stylistic change since K.450
KOBATA Ikuo 15 An Acoustical Phenomenon Illustrating Harmonic Dualism: The Qualitative Relationship between Partial-Tone Structure and Sensory Consonance
SEKIGUCHI Hiroko 27 H.G.Nägeli und die Männerchorbewegung in der Schweiz: Eine Seite der Musik und der Gesellschaft in der Schweiz in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
NISHIMURA Osamu 40 The Discourse on Schoenberg's Music in Musikblätter des Anbruch: Musicology and Anti-Semitism in the 1920s
YAKO Masato/ KISHIDA Naoki 55 A Notational Data Format for Traditional Music Using Standard Data Description Language: A Data Format Using XML for Nagauta Notation
78 Book Reviews
85 Reports on the Regional Meetings
89 Dissertations in Musicology (2000)